Ten Year Old Tom
Concept / Compositing / Motion Graphics / Graphic Design / Character Animation

Ten Year Old Tom is a critically acclaimed adult animated comedy series that follows the misadventures of an elementary schooler as he contends with questionable guidance from the well-meaning grownups around him. The show was created, written, and executive produced by The Life and Times of Tim creator Steve Dildarian.

I worked directly with Steve on the titles and logo. He had a few bullet points of what he wanted to achieve, but the overall concept and visual style was yet to be decided. Over a series of meetings, I pitched ideas and we brainstormed them together, which I turned into storyboards and later into animated presentations to gather feedback from him and the executive team. After exploring a variety of different ideas and healthy iterations of each, we arrived at a place we were all delighted with.


When it came time to create promotional key art for the show, Steve felt it should mirror the title sequence, so we collaborated again which turned out to be a very productive experience. Below is a selection of key art I created for various diverse platforms.


Mark is a talented graphic designer and animator with a great aesthetic eye. He puts a lot of thought into his work, and I really appreciated what he brought to our show.
~ Steve Dildarian, Creator, Director, and Executive Producer on 'Ten Year Old Tom' (HBO Max)

Keyart 1 Keyart 2 Keyart 3
Producer: Work Friends | Tomorrow Studios | ShadowMachine | Insane Loon Productions