Transmedia Storytelling

Mark created his own assignment out of an opportunity no-one else could see, using a skill-set no-one knew existed. That's the real trait that sets him apart. That undefinable creativity earned Mark two Emmy awards, created jobs for a whole new department, and steered our studio into a new era of Transmedia Storytelling.
~ Marcus Rosentrater, Producer on 'Archer'


I don't even know where to start – the backlog of "attaboys" and back-pats and high-fives and thumbs-ups and dropped-jaws and hats-offs and "goddammit, sirs" is insurmountable.
~ Adam Reed, creator of 'Archer'

I have a passion for exploring fresh, innovative ways to engage the audience. In my role as Archer's Lead Motion Graphics Designer, I designed a computer screen with ostensibly tech gibberish. A tenacious fan discovered that my hexadecimal numbers were actually an encoded version of the Konami Code, a famous cheat code from video game lore. He posted his findings to Imgur and it quickly went viral with over a million views!

The producers were elated at how such a simple easter egg captured the imagination of the fans, appealed to their demographic, and garnered some free publicity along the way. I was encouraged to continue planting them whenever an opportunity presented itself. Intrigued, I pondered what might happen if I strung a few of them together. I set to work creating and orchestrating a multi-platform bread crumb trail of puzzles, triggered by easter eggs I’d hidden across multiple episodes. And with that, the back to back Emmy Award winning series Archer Scavenger Hunt was born.

Its success led to the establishment of an in-house interactive team in which I devised the AR game Archer, P.I, the studios first app created completely in-house. I oversaw the project as Creative Director and our collaboration rocketed my initial concept to a polished App Store submission in just four months, and we updated the app weekly with new content. It would go on to win multiple awards and accolades, including two Clio Gold Awards for Best App and Best Game, and a Webby Nomination.